Challenges in the Corn Sector of the Philippines

Corn is the second most important food crop in the Philippines after rice. It contributes a significant amount to Philippine agricultural production and is an important source of income for many smallholder farmers. Yet even with corn’s importance, there are many challenges that farmers can encounter when growing and supplying corn.  It can be hardContinue reading “Challenges in the Corn Sector of the Philippines”

The Importance of Oil and Other Lubricants for Machines

Creating food, making clothes, repairing and construction of important tools and vehicles—all of them could not be done without industrial technology. As the world continues to march forward and innovate, the various machines that we utilize for construction, production and transport need the best kinds of repair and maintenance. Considering how busy the gears, pumpsContinue reading “The Importance of Oil and Other Lubricants for Machines”

Prepare The Perfect Soil Mixture Before Planting

One of the keys to an abundant harvest is taking care of your soil early on, even before the seedling gets buried in dirt. Preparing and maintaining healthy soil before planting is good for long-term farming. As the soil provides food and water to plants, taking care of it will result in higher yield andContinue reading “Prepare The Perfect Soil Mixture Before Planting”

The Importance of Using Food Grade Lubricants

Food grade materials, as the name suggests, are meant for use in applications that get in contact with food. This is why food production factories and food packaging plants are always directed to make use of good food grade lubricants in ensuring that the end-product consumers purchase are perfectly safe. The unfortunate reality is, however,Continue reading “The Importance of Using Food Grade Lubricants”

3 Things to Remember in Choosing Industrial Gear Oil for your Machines

There’s a lot of Industrial gear oil on the market today. Choosing the right one for your use will prove to be time-consuming, that is why we’ve listed three important things for you to consider.  Finding the Right Lubrication Technology There are three criteria in choosing your gear oil: Viscosity – considered as the lubricantContinue reading “3 Things to Remember in Choosing Industrial Gear Oil for your Machines”

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